My container is in country. I apparently have a lot of paperwork and accounting still left to do before I can get it delivered. It arrived right on time 2/22 and I’ll spend tomorrow calculating what my worldly goods are worth, box by box. Once the value of my goods is established for the purpose of Duty Tax and it is paid to my Customs Agent, my Customs Agent will get the Customs Office in Belize City to send a Customs Guard with a truck driver and my container to Santa Elena where they will meet at Customs Officer. They will then proceed to go through every single box to verify that what I have inventoried is indeed what is in each box. That is if all goes smoothly. From what I understand this could be quite a process and take a few “back and forths.” The big point is that the container can not be opened at the port because it is packed so full there is no way to get it closed again once it is opened. Oh, boy, the next phase begins. And I know there is not nearly enough room in my little house for all my stuff.